Oct 22, 2022
When Cali Social was formed in 2019, I set out with the goal to provide exceptional paid ads services to small business owners across Australia.
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Letter from the Founder, Lauren

When Cali Social was formed in 2019, I set out with the goal to provide exceptional paid ads services to small business owners across Australia. I developed a love for creating ads and using my analytical mind to develop and measure strategic campaigns. I had the pleasure of working at some large advertising agencies but just knew I could offer more. More ideas, more creative input, more time spent with each client, more connection. 

Did I plan for such big growth back then? No. 

Am I surprised with the growth? No. 

I knew I was on to something but just had to trust the process and the timing that everything would fall into place. Thank goodness I had the support I did back then, without that I’m not sure we’d be in the same position we’re in today.

With the natural growth of Cali Social every part of the business has had to ‘grow up’ and be transformed. It was only right that we re-branded so that we can reflect who we are today, rather than who we have been in the past.

The re-brand captures our transformation into an elevated, sophisticated agency of ad specialists. We can confidently hold our own and know our worth in an industry that can sometimes feel a little disjointed and egotistical.   

Elevation is the key word here.

We have spent time honing our skills, expertise and knowledge within the ads arena and have naturally been able to carve our niche into working with female-first brands, something I am so incredibly passionate about. 

Who better to capture our new brand than the formidable High Moon Studio based out of Los Angeles. I felt a strong synergy with the High Moon team and WOW they delivered on creating a brand that represents the Cali Social of today. It’s truly stunning and I hope you agree!

So what does the future hold for us?

  1. US baby! Yep that’s right, we’re launching into the US market
  2. Expansion into offering tiktok ads! The landscape is changing and Tiktok is here to stay
  3. More account managers! We’re growin’ and glowin’
  4. More businesses we can help! If you’re not already a client of ours, then why not?!

Sometimes you forget to pause and look back at the little things that have led you to where you find yourself now. It doesn’t feel like much at the time, but when I take stock of everything it’s a beautiful reminder that I’m not in this alone anymore, there is a community of people out there along with our employees, family and friends that have a shared vision for Cali Social and continue to cheer us on in our journey.

We celebrate our 3rd birthday in December, a feat I am forever grateful for!

I am so excited for this new era for Cali Social and I welcome you along for the ride. 
